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LiSa SHePHerd

Below are the three most important social media sites in order
of importance for B2B companies: LinkedIn, Twitter, and
Facebook. Each social media site has distinct applications for
B2B marketing.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest online, professional social
network with about 200 million members in over 200 countries
and territories.
LinkedIn’s most important feature is “connections”, a way
of mapping members together based on their common
contacts—it’s like an online version of “six degrees of
separation”. Because members may only directly message
their primary contacts, networking happens via arranged
introductions or through LinkedIn’s suggested contacts; this
ensures that all networking is kept professional and done
through trusted channels.
As a tool for professional networking, job-hunting, and recruiting,
LinkedIn is fantastic. Having a company presence on the site
can help you develop and strengthen business relationships,
stay up to date on industry information, demonstrate thought


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