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Chapter 38—Social Media
(LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook)

B2B relationships are fundamentally about people, so it makes
sense that B2B marketing is increasingly done through social
media. This is a shift occurring at different speeds in different
industries and segments. The pace of change is accelerating,
and even the least digitally savvy industries are now moving
towards social media. Many B2B companies are intrigued but
remain unsure—where does it fit for their organization, and
where should they start? In this chapter, I’ll cover the most
relevant social media tools for B2B companies and how to
use them.
There are two important things for B2B companies to
understand about social media. First, it’s about having a
dialogue, not a dictation, with customers and prospects.
Second, it’s resource intensive. It takes more than just an
hour or two here and there for it to result in traction for your


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