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Lisa Shepherd

4.	 Use the white paper as the basis for a presentation at an
     industry conference.

5.	 Use the white paper as the basis for a lunch and learn, to
     which you invite 20 target customers.

6.	 Use the white paper as the basis for a webinar, and
     promote it to your existing and prospective customers.

7.	 Write a press release about the white paper and send it to
     the editors of trade publications that your target audience

8.	 Write a blog summarizing the white paper and post it to
     your own blog and any blogs that you are a guest author
     on. Be sure to include a link to the download or email
     page for the white paper.

9.	 Tweet about the white paper, update your LinkedIn and
     Facebook pages with a link to it.

10.	 Send out a link to the white paper in your regular newsletter.

        	  # of white papers produced
        	  # of views/downloads per white paper
        	  # of PR mentions
        	  # of times prospects mention your white papers
        	  # of times your white papers are cited by other sources


                                                                      © 2012 Lisa Shepherd
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