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Lisa Shepherd

Writing a blog and finding your voice takes time and practice;
give yourself a few months to get into the flow and master the
art of writing posts that reflect your company’s culture.

Create Quality Content

Creating strong and compelling blog posts is the most
time-consuming aspect, and also the most important. Without
good content, you will quickly lose readers. Keep your audience
in mind at all times. Before you publish a post, look at it from
the perspective of a potential customer, and ask yourself, “Did
I learn something from this post? Was it of value to me?” If the
answer is “no”, revise your content until it delivers.

There is no single “right” way to write blogs. Inspiration can
come from anywhere. It’s often the day-to-day experiences,
working with colleagues, and interacting with clients that
yield the best blog content. You can’t give away secrets, but
you can usually create a phenomenal blog without revealing
proprietary information.

Here are a few blog content ideas:

    •	 Conduct interviews with industry leaders.
    •	 Share your thoughts on industry trends and news articles.
    •	 Create a series on a specific theme, and post it in

         installments; this will keep people coming back on a
         regular basis.
    •	 Checked out a webinar lately? Summarize what you
         learned, and provide a link to it.
    •	 Recommend a site/book/podcast that you enjoy.
    •	 Repurpose existing marketing material content:
         speeches, white papers, case studies, videos, slide
         presentations, etc.
    •	 Did you hear a surprising statistic the other day? Share it.
    •	 Predict something, and defend your prediction.
    •	 Provide write-ups on trade shows or association
         meetings you attended.


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