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Market Smart: How to Gain Customers and Increase Profits with B2B Marketing

    •	 Leverage customer experiences to discuss common
         challenges, offer suggestions, and share successes.

It’s good to vary the format of blog posts. Use bullet points
and numbered lists to get your points across quickly. Including
photos, videos, and charts make a post eye-catching and easy
to scan.

Bloggers don’t need to produce all original content all the time.
It’s fine to act as a curator, finding and filtering great content
from around the web and pointing it out in a post. Stay in the
loop by subscribing to blogs on similar topics, watching for
trending topics online, and engaging with other bloggers. Don’t
be afraid to reference content outside your blog; sharing what
you know about is just as powerful as sharing what you know.
It also gives readers insight into the business ecosystem you
inhabit, which helps them understand you better.

Use Keywords

A blog will improve your search engine optimization (i.e. help
your company get found online), if you write blogs that use
your keywords. Identify the keywords that prospects use to
find the services and products you provide, and make an effort
in your blog to use these keywords (especially in post titles).

Be Consistent: Blog Regularly

The biggest challenge for bloggers is publishing content on a
regular schedule. One trick is to stay two or three posts ahead;
that way, there’s a bit of a buffer if something comes up.

Find a posting schedule that works well for you and your
team, and stick to it. Many blogs are started with enthusiasm
and then abandoned. It’s possible to stand out from the crowd
simply by updating on a regular basis.


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