Page 191 - Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization
P. 191
170 Index
timeliness vision, of leaders, 103, 106–107
of greetings, 134–135 visual cues, 20–21
on-time delivery, 11–12, 104–105 visual impairments, customer access
toll-free service numbers, 70, 122 and, 122, 136–138
total customer service empowerment,
WalMart, 22
40–41 Walt Disney Company, 2
Toyota, 64 Walton, Sam, 22
Toyota Production System, 66 warmth
of employees, 85–86
for anticipatory customer services, in service process, 96–97
94 – 95 waste reduction, 66–68
cost-benefit analysis of, 109–110 accessibility for customers with dis-
for language consistency, 15
language handbook in, 15–17 abilities, 122, 136–138
by leaders, 106 automated links, 25
orientation process in, 90–98 developing, 127–130
passion for, 95 greetings, 139–140
principles of, 96–98 live chat, 24, 58, 122, 140
after service breakdowns, 32–33, 35 password access, 128, 129
specific curriculum for, 95–96 requests for information, 23, 122
trolling, 117–118 security issues, 126
Trotter, Charlie, 61 self-service elements, 122
trust, 34–35 service failures, 23, 62
TTD/TTY machines, 137 urgent email button, 122, 140
turnaround situations, 103–104 Web forms, 129
wheelchair access, 135–136, 137–138
value, 70–73 White, Marco Pierre, 118
emotional attachments, 71–72 wrap-up, 33
price in value proposition, 112
as relative concept, 111 Xerox, 66, 69
value proposition, 112 Zappos, 116
values, in orientation process, 90–91
Virgin Atlantic, 117