Page 188 - Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization
P. 188

Index                                         167

   on surveys, 76                             Meyer, Danny, 18, 134
   telephone use, 21–23                       Milliken, 66
language handbook                             moods
   importance of, 15–17
   Negative Lexicon, 17–18                       of employees in service departments,
leadership, 101–107                                 102–103
   alignment in, 103
   challenges of, 101–103                        in preference-tracking systems, 53
   characteristics of great service leaders,  moral leadership, 105–106
                                              motivation, by leaders, 105
   by employees, 106–107                      name of customer, 53–54
   importance of, 101–103                     Negative Lexicon, 17–18
   in manufacturing-based systems,            Netflix, 74, 121
                                              New York Times, 42–43
      101–102                                 non-compliant service, 133
   moral, 105–106                             nonverbal messages, 20–21, 97
   motivation in, 105                         Nordstrom, 42, 112
   in orientation process, 91                 notes
   recognition in, 105
   reward in, 105                                follow-up, 141
   in service-focused departments,               after service recovery, 33

      102–103                                 Oasis (Oasis Disc Manufacturing, 123,
   standard setting in, 104–105                     145, 147–152
   support in, 105, 107
   vision in, 103, 106–107                    O’Connell, Patrick, 52–53
Lean Manufacturing methodology, 66–           Ohno, Taiichi, 66
                                              One Size Fits All (Heil), 47
      70, 72                                  on-time delivery, 11–12, 104–105
Lexus, 64–65                                  optimism
lifetime value of loyal customer, 35–36,
                                                 of employees, 86–87
      41                                         of leaders, 103–104
lily gilding, 110–111                         orientation process, 90–98
listening, importance of, 12                     attitudes in, 90–91
live chat, 24, 58, 122, 140                      beliefs in, 90–91
Loftus, Elizabeth, 18, 131                       brand ambassador process in, 93–94
                                                 creating, 90
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality                Day One orientation, 91–94
      Awards, 62                                 values in, 90–91

manufacturing-based systems                   pace of customer, 97
   forecasted actual production,              password access, 128, 129
      101–102                                 pay-per-click options, 140
   Lean Manufacturing technology, 66–         Penn, Mark, 120
      70, 72                                  perfect product/design, 8–9, 125–127
   theoretical capacity, 101                  performance measurement, 104–105
                                              permission marketing, 56–57, 124–125
Martin, Demetri, 122                          Per Se restaurant, 21
mass mailings, 24, 25, 122–124
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