Page 185 - Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization
P. 185

164 Index

Bezos, Jeff, 22                           Courtroom Method of service recov-
Bose, 17                                        ery, 27
brand ambassador process, 93–94
Branson, Richard, 117                     crucial emotional moments, see good-
breakdowns in service, see service re-          byes; greetings; service recovery

      covery                              cultural differences, 19
Bryson, Bill, 60                          Cultural Intelligence (Peterson), 19
BVLGARI, 2                                customer loyalty

Caliper system, 89                           costs of, 108–110
Cambridge, Chris, 132                        developing, 1–2, see also anticipatory
Capella Hotels and Resorts, 2, 21, 41,
                                                customer service
      145–146, 155–157                       human touch and, 23–24, 25, 117,
captchas, 136–137
caring service delivery, 9–11, 53–54, 99        120–124, 126–130
Carnegie, Dale, 53                           impact of, 2–3
CARQUEST, 146, 153–154                       importance of, 1
CD Baby, 123–124                             lifetime value of loyal customer, 35–
coercion, avoiding, 17–18
Coldren, Jay, 143                               36, 41
collaboration, with customer after ser-      nature of, 7–8
                                             online, 115–130
      vice breakdown, 31                     pricing and, 112–114
comment cards, 50                            survey proxies for, 76–77
commoditization process, 2, 119              write-offs versus, 43–44
compensation, for service recovery,       customer rankings, 126
                                          customer satisfaction elements, 7–13
      34 –36                                 caring delivery, 9–11, 53–54, 99
complaints                                   perfect product, 8–9, 125–127
                                             problem resolution, 12–13
   handling customer, 39–43                  timeliness, 11–12, 104–105
   suggestions of customers, 31, 35       customers with disabilities, 135–138
   total customer service empower-           auditory, 136, 137
                                             Internet access, 122, 136–137
      ment, 40–41                            physical access, 135–136, 137–138
compliant service, 133                       visual, 122, 136–138
conscientiousness, 88                     cynicism, 103–104
                                          daily check-in, 98–100
   of language, 15                        Damrosch, Phoebe, 21
   see also standards                     dashboard concept, 78–79
Continuous Improvement Systems,           Day One orientation, 91–94
                                          defect reduction metrics, 69
      62–64, 69                           defect search process, 62–65
Costco, 112                               deposition, of service breakdowns,
   computer-driven modeling of, 128       disabilities, see customers with disabili-
   of customer loyalty, 108–110
Coulton, Jonathan, 124                          ties
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