Page 100 - Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing -
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recognizes	 her	 name.	 When	 parents	 from	 other	 neighborhoods	 ask	 Sheridan
residents	about	sitters,	they	say:	“Call	Kate.”	And	those	parents	do.

   The	local	press	soon	hears	about	the	young	entrepreneur	and	writes	a	story.	A
reporter	for	the	local	CBS	affiliate	reads	the	story,	calls	Kate,	and	does	a	three-
minute	 feature	 on	 “WE	 ♥	 KIDS”	 on	 the	 six	 o’clock	 news.	 Kate	 charms	 and
impresses	everyone	listening—all	170,000	people.

   In	the	entire	market	that	she	serves,	Kate	has	built	a	booming	brand.
   For	about	$32	in	paint	and	plywood.
   Building	your	brand	doesn’t	take	millions.	It	takes	imagination.
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