Page 140 - Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing -
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advice	on	her	new	career.
   I	said,	“Just	get	out	there.	Get	in	opportunity’s	way.	Let	it	hit	you.”
   It	 applies	 to	 every	 service	 marketer.	 For	 all	 the	 talk	 about	 improving	 service

quality,	positioning,	research,	targeted	direct	mail—for	all	the	art	and	science	of
marketing—much	of	growing	a	business	is	where	you	happen	to	sit	on	a	flight	to
New	York	one	afternoon.

   People	don’t	want	to	spend	days	making	decisions.	They	have	little	time,	and
books	 like	 Overworked	American	 suggest	 that	 they	 have	 less	 time	 every	 year.
People	meet	you,	they	like	you,	pretty	soon	they	hire	you.	Some	people	propose
on	their	first	date,	after	all.	Many	people	in	business	move	even	faster.

   Get	out	there.	Almost	anywhere.	Let	opportunity	hit	you.
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