Page 147 - Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing -
P. 147

B.	 White,	 Theodore	 Levitt,	 John	 Tillman,	 Kurt	 Vonnegutt,	 Jr.,	 Geoffrey	 Moore,
Peter	Senge,	and	Theodor	Geisel—who	taught	me	to	write	and	changed	the	way
I	see.

   The	 people	 at	 Stanford	 University	 in	 the	 early	 1970s—	 particularly	 its
generous	Office	of	Admissions—who	changed	my	life.

   My	 friends—Wayne	 and	 Mary	 Dankert,	 Eleftheris	 and	 Jane	 Papageorgiou,
Randy	Vick,	Peggy	and	Karl	Weber,	Steve	Kaplan,	Tom	Cooper,	Gary	and	Chris
Cohen,	 Gregg	 and	 Tracey	 Kunz,	 Niki	 Koumas,	 Karl	 Larson,	 Cathy	 Madison,
Joyce	 Agnew,	 Katie	 Barrett,	 Steve	 Schelhammer	 and	 Cathy	 Phillips—who
encouraged	me	and	make	me	feel	lucky.

   My	 second	 family—Judy	 and	 Joel	 Wethall,	 Barbara	 Wilson	 and	 John
Lammers,	 Bob	 Wilson,	 Helen	 Wilson	 and	 Jane	 Hannan—because	 anyone	 who
loves	every	moment	he	can	spend	with	his	in-laws	truly	is	lucky.

   My	 family—mother	 Alice,	 sister	 Becky,	 brother-in-law	 Jim	 Powell,	 and
brother	 David	 Macy-Beckwith	 and	 his	 wife,	 Cindee—who	 cheered,	 laughed,
loved,	endured,	and	cooked	meals	about	which	even	James	Beard	raved.

   My	 heroes:	 Clive	 Davies,	 The	 Honorable	 James	 M.	 Burns,	 and	 Dr.	 Harry
Beckwith,	Jr.

   My	miracles:	Harry,	Will,	Cole,	and	Cooper.
   And	 my	 wife,	 Susan.	 I	 handled	 the	 writing	 but	 she	 did	 the	 heavy	 lifting—
consulting	 and	 consoling	 and	 seeing	 me	 through.	 In	 my	 lucky	 life	 I	 have	 been
blessed	with	four	excellent	models	and	a	handful	of	miracles.	Susan	is	both,	and
I	am	incredibly	grateful.
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