Page 148 - Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing -
P. 148
1 *Common sense, as one example, argues that you advertise automobiles by
appealing to potential car buyers. As proof of the folly of that kind of common
sense, and evidence that car advertising must appeal to dealers, see When the
Suckers Moon, Randal Rothenberg’s engaging book on Wieden & Kennedy’s ill-
fated “What to Drive” campaign for Subaru. (back to text)
2 *For this model and his strong influence on my thinking on positioning, I
am again grateful to my old family friend Geoffrey Moore. Geoffrey is one of
the four thinkers emeritus on high-tech marketing—William Davidow, Guy
Kawasaki, and Regis McKenna being the other three— and his books contain
excellent lessons for all marketers. (back to text)
3 *For a detailed view of the extraordinary value of good supplier
relationships in a service, see McDonald’s: Behind the Arches by John Love.
This book could change how you view all the different stakeholders in your
company and how you approach your marketing. week—or a leather chair that
revolves around to reveal the view out your window? (back to text)