Page 88 - Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing -
P. 88

Monogram	Your	Shirts,	Not	Your	Company


   Which	“name”	above	did	you	remember?
   Don’t	 worry.	 Everyone	 flunks	 that	 memory	 test.	 It’s	 because	 people	 cannot

remember	 monograms.	 Monograms	 have	 no	 memorability.	 Just	 as	 bad,
monograms	have	no	spirit,	no	attitude,	no	message,	no	promise,	no	warmth,	and
no	humanity.

   So	why	do	so	many	companies	use	monograms?	Blame	IBM.	IBM	convinced
executives	 that	 if	 they	 gave	 their	 company	 a	 fancy	 monogram	 like	 IBM,	 they
would	succeed	like	IBM.

   This	is	like	thinking	that	Michael	Jordan’s	shoes	will	make	you	like	Mike.
   It’s	 also	 like	 thinking	 that	 dinner	 causes	 midnight,	 because	 midnight	 always
comes	after	dinner.
   Dinners	don’t	cause	midnight.	And	IBM’s	name	didn’t	cause	IBM’s	success.
   Give	your	service	a	name,	not	a	monogram.

Don’t	Make	Me	Laugh


It’s	tempting	to	create	a	clever	name.
   Sometimes,	 this	 temptation	 becomes	 so	 strong	 that	 you	 give	 your	 service	 a

slightly	funny	name.	Let’s	say,	Hair	Apparent	for	a	hair	transplant	clinic.
   Here’s	 a	 test	 that	 will	 talk	 you	 out	 of	 this	 mistake.	 Look	 up	 one	 of	 those

wittily	 named	 services	 (chances	 are	 it’s	 a	 hair	 salon	 or	 a	 pizza	 place).	 Go	 there
and	go	in.	You	will	notice	two	things:

   You	have	never	been	there	before.
   And	it’s	almost	empty.
   Don’t	get	funny	with	your	name.

To	Stand	Out,	Stand	Out


Kimberly-Clark	 spends	 millions	 of	 dollar	 a	 year	 keeping	 people	 from	 calling
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