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because	 no	 warranty	 compensates	 the	 warranty	 holder	 for	 the	 lost	 time,	 the
frustration,	 and	 the	 inconvenience	 of	 suffering	 the	 problem	 and	 making	 the
claim.	 The	 brand,	 then,	 becomes	 even	 more	 important	 because	 it	 is	 the	 closest
thing	 to	 a	 guarantee	 that	 the	 customer	 will	 not	 need	 the	 warranty	 and	 have	 to
endure	the	claims	process.

   Brands	 are	 even	 more	 important	 to	 service	 customers,	 because	 few	 services
have	 warranties—in	 part	 because	 many	 services	 are	 very	 difficult	 to	 warrant.
How	 do	 you	 warrant,	 for	 example,	 that	 legal	 advice	 will	 be	 good?	 That	 a
waiter’s	 service	 will	 be	 satisfactory?	 That	 a	 tax	 accountant	 will	 find	 every
permissible	 deduction?	 In	 many	 cases,	 you	 cannot.	 Left	 without	 a	 warranty,	 the
client	has	only	the	brand	on	which	to	depend.

   And	depending	on	brands	is	just	what	service	clients	do.
   A	service	is	a	promise,	and	building	a	brand	builds	your	promise.

The	Heart	of	a	Brand


When	a	prospect	initially	agrees	to	use	a	typical	service,	what	does	he	own?
   Nothing	but	someone’s	promise	that	they	will	do	something.
   The	most	desirable	services,	then,	are	those	that	keep	their	promises.
   This	also	means	that	the	heart	of	a	service	brand—the	element	without	which

the	brand	cannot	live—is	the	integrity	of	the	company	and	its	employees.
   The	 value	 of	 any	 brand	 rises	 or	 falls	 with	 each	 demonstration	 of	 the

company’s	integrity.	The	balance	is	fragile;	every	slip	can	be	costly.	We	all	have
worked	 with	 services	 that	 failed	 us	 only	 once,	 but	 fatally.	 They	 lied	 or	 came
close.	From	that	one	experience,	their	brand	lost	all	its	value	to	us.	When	others
later	asked	us	about	that	company,	we	may	have	said	very	little,	but	our	message
was	clear—and	it	spread.

   A	 service	 can	 be	 faster,	 cheaper,	 better,	 and	 still	 fail	 if	 it	 does	 not	 win	 the
confidence	of	people	that	it	will	keep	its	promises	and	tell	the	truth.

   The	heart	of	a	service	brand	is	not	artful	packaging,	slick	advertising,	or	the
company	 name	 emblazoned	 on	 everything	 from	 sweatshirts	 to	 key	 chains.	 The
heart	 of	 a	 service	 brand,	 and	 a	 key	 to	 a	 service’s	 long-term	 success,	 is	 the
integrity	of	the	people	behind	it.

   Invest	in	and	religiously	preach	integrity.It	is	the	heart	of	your	brand.

What	Brands	Do	for	Sales
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99