Page 10 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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Wide	Web.
   But	the	balance	has	shifted.	Dramatically.
   Every	 company,	 agency,	 club,	 university,	 non-profit	 organization,	 and	 13-

year-old	kid	hoping	to	break	out	as	the	next	Katy	Perry	is	pumping	out	content.
Nearly	everyone	with	access	to	the	Internet	has	joined	the	content	creation	party.
Selfies.	Videos.	Love	poems.	Songs.	Infographics.	Grumpy	Cat.

   As	 you	 look	 at	 the	 future	 of	 this	 business	 landscape,	 there	 is	 no	 single	 trend
that	 will	 have	 a	 more	 profound	 impact	 on	 how	 you	 market,	 where	 you	 market,
and	 to	 whom	 you	 market	 than	 this	 overwhelming	 and	 uncontainable	 force	 of
digital	information	density.

   Of	 course,	 if	 you’re	 currently	 working	 in	 marketing,	 PR,	 advertising,
customer	service,	or	sales,	you	already	know	that.	The	real	question	is,	what	do
you	do	about	it?

   Answering	 that	 question	 has	 become	 my	 obsession.	 Are	 we	 just	 going	 to	 let
this	tsunami	of	content	take	us	under?	Do	we	play	by	Facebook’s	rules	and	hand
over	our	money	so	we	can	reach	our	own	hard-earned	fans	with	our	content?	Do
we	just	sit	by	and	watch	our	great	work	become	a	de-valued	commodity?

   No.	We	need	answers	and	ideas.	We	need	alternatives.	And	that’s	why	we’re
here.	 This	 is	 a	 book	 about	 hope,	 about	 breaking	 through	 this	 menacing	 wall	 of
noise,	 and	 winning	 at	 marketing	 now—beyond	 content,	 beyond	 social	 media,
beyond	 search	 engine	 optimization	 (if	 such	 a	 thing	 even	 exists	 any	 more).	 The
Content	 Code	 starts	 where	 your	 current	 content	 marketing	 plan	 ends,	 for	 as
you’ll	find	out,	creating	another	blog	post	or	video	is	probably	the	least	of	your

   Creating	great	content	is	not	the	finish	line.	It’s	the	starting	line.
   The	imperative	for	your	organization	today	is	to	unlock	your	content,	unleash
it,	 ignite	 it,	 and	 somehow	 convert	 it	 to	 measurable	 business	 value	 within	 this
shrill	world	of	overwhelming	information.
   I’ve	spent	the	last	year	studying	this	essential	concept	of	content	ignition,	and
it	 has	 changed	 me.	 There	 is	 a	 science	 and	 psychology	 behind	 the	 act	 of	 sharing
content	 that	 is	 awe-inspiring	 and	 beautiful	 and	 mesmerizing.	 People	 share
content	 for	 hundreds	 of	 reasons,	 but	 there	 is	 a	 uniform	 process	 behind	 it
inexorably	 linked	 to	 self-image,	 caring	 for	 others,	 and	 even	 compassion	 for	 an
author	 or	 brand.	 It’s	 an	 astonishingly	 intimate	 experience,	 a	 precious	 symbol	 of
trust	and	communion	with	our	content	that	I	had	never	considered	before.
   I’ve	 also	 discovered	 that	 there	 is	 indeed	 a	 launch	 code	 for	 digital	 marketing
success,	 a	 complex	 cocktail	 far	 beyond	 mere	 “promotion.”	 It’s	 a	 program	 that
can	nudge	content	to	the	top,	help	it	become	discovered,	and	unlock	remarkable
new	 economic	 value	 from	 the	 investment	 made	 in	 wonderful	 posts,	 pictures,
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