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Table	of	Contents

CHAPTER	ONE	The	Ignition	Switch
CHAPTER	TWO	Structure,	Strategy,	and	the	Content	Code
CHAPTER	THREE	Building	Shareability	into	Your	Content
CHAPTER	FOUR	22	Practical	Ways	to	Achieve	Content	Ignition
CHAPTER	FIVE	Building	an	Alpha	Audience
CHAPTER	SIX	Borrowing	Trust
CHAPTER	SEVEN	The	Heroic	Brand
CHAPTER	EIGHT	Distribution,	Advertising,	Promotion,	and	SEO
CHAPTER	NINE	Social	Signals	and	Social	Proof
CHAPTER	TEN	The	Mystery	of	Authority
CHAPTER	ELEVEN	The	Future	of	Content	and	Ignition
About	the	Author
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