Page 106 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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learn to play piano credibly. You can learn to paint. You can become a
strong content creator who is a trusted information resource. But, can
you just set your mind to it and end up as a professional golfer?
Unlikely. Can you just decide to play piano and end up on the concert
stage? Unlikely. At some point, an aptitude layer, or the ‘it factor’
kicks in, and that’s what allows people to move from very good to the
highest level. That aptitude layer is what builds a heroic brand.
“Gary Vaynerchuk is a very smart guy. But most of the time he’s not
saying anything different about business and social media than anyone
else. However, he has a style and a personality that sets him apart—
charisma that most people don’t have. And it matters. Is Jennifer
Lawrence the very best actress of her generation? She’s good,
probably not the best. But, she is extremely likable in a way that most
people (especially celebs) are not. It sets her apart, and it matters. Am I
any smarter than most people creating marketing content and
dispensing business advice for a living? No. But, I’m a better writer
than average, I’m a better headline writer than most, I’m a better
speaker than some, I’m consistent like rain in Seattle, and for reasons I
don’t fully understand people tend to like me and want to support me.
“You can learn to be good. But the It Factor determines if you’ll
transcend that. And of course, your ‘it’ is totally circumstantial and
occupationally specific. Would Jennifer Lawrence be the most likable
college administrator? I doubt it. Would I be successful in music?
Probably not, because my ‘aw shucks’ thing that works in business
wouldn’t be a cool enough vibe to translate to ‘it’ in that world.
“So, the key to building a heroic brand with content isn’t just having
the It Factor, because I think everyone probably has it in some way.
The key is to figure out in which world or subculture your version of
‘it’ is valued, and ply your trade there. Find the place where who you
are and how you communicate and comport yourself represents
something approaching the ideal for that subculture. That’s the place
where your own version of the It Factor will take you from competent
to a heroic brand.”
Stepping toward the Heroic Brand