Page 127 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 127

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


great detail or becoming a whiner. I have found that friends
and colleagues are invaluable and will help when specifically
asked. I would ask them for their advice, any contacts they
could put me in touch with who may be able to help, and for
any insights they may have. I would then begin to follow up
on them.

The email would basically say something like this:

Hi there,

How are things? Hope all is well. Hey, I need a favor. I am in
kind of a crunch right now financially and I need your help. I
am going to be putting together an internet marketing plan
that I am hoping will be up and running within a month – at
least enough to get me going strongly back in the right

Any help you could give, any ideas or connections you could
make would be greatly appreciated! Especially helpful would
be any products you think I could get into distribution
relatively quickly. I will call you later or if you want you can
flip this email back to me.



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