Page 122 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 122

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


The third seminar will run one week later and be scheduled
as morning sessions.

Of course, I could buy additional lines from the conference
calling service, but I'm still determined to keep my expenses
to the bare minimum. So far, I haven't spent anything, and I
don't want to spoil my record now.

Besides, having too many people on a call makes it harder
for everybody to get their questions answered.

Today, before I finish, I phone a friend and borrow his little
Mini Disk recorder and a patch cord device that goes into the
telephone line. I'll record the calls for future reference. The
quality won't really be good enough to turn the recordings
into a product, but I can certainly use it for making a

By the time the third session starts next week, I'll invest in
my own recording setup, and I WILL turn that series of calls
into a product. Naturally, I'll re-contact each attendee and
offer to sell them a set of tapes or CDs of the event.

Day 26: I'm pumped and ready to begin. My money
situation now looks very different. With 247 people signed
up to attend (all pre-paid), I have taken in almost $21,500.
Only 25 of those attendees came in through my press
release and autoresponder series, but after paying my
partners their 60%, I get to keep nearly $10,000.


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