Page 119 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 119

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I also find 2 more positives - people who want to participate.
That makes three definite JV partners now.

This thing is going to work!

More time in the forums. Now there's a buzz about my
teleseminar, and several questions are directed specifically
to this topic. I try to give very complete answers, but I make
them very factual - absolutely zero hype. I also tell them to
contact one of my JV partners if they want to sign up. I
don't want to be seen as spamming or self-promoting in the

Day 19: First I go to GetResponse and check if anybody has
subscribed to my newsletter. A few have, which means the
press release is starting to see exposure.

Then I check my email. Wow - six more partners want in.
That makes nine.

There's also a notice from PayPal that one person has
already bought a seat in the seminar. I check my PayPal
account and the money has already cleared. That's $87 - my
first income from this project. I email the conference call
numbers to the customer.

While at PayPal, I make several more sales links and save
them in a text file. I'll give each JV partner a personalized
link so that I can easily track how many sales come from


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