Page 130 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 130
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
that gives great material in a “teaser” fashion while selling
the main product. Next would be an ebook, followed by
downloadable MP3’s, and finally a 3 CD series on Getting
Out of Debt and Gaining Financial Freedom.
I would do my research with the tools Overture gives you on
their site to find good search terms and shows you how
much the current bids are. Basically, I would combine how
much I wanted to spend with how it will cost me to get the
terms I want, plus taking into consideration how much each
click will cost me compared to the price of the products I am
selling. I will look for terms that relate to finances and debt.
The Overture tools give you all sorts of terms when you type
in something as simple as “finances.”
The first thing to drive them to will be a webpage that sells
my product. I will also offer an autoresponder for those who
don’t bite right away. You can pick up unlimited
autoresponders at, which is
where mine are hosted. If they choose the autoresponder
route, they will be given good information, but I will also be
selling them with each one.
The page will also attempt to sell them the ebook, MP3’s or
CD’s, or a combination of the three, as noted below. I will
also sign them up to an ongoing free Ezine on some aspect
of debt relief or staying out of debt – maybe frugal living etc
– so that even if they don’t buy now, I am developing a long
term relationship with them and can sell them later.
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