Page 133 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 133
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
and edit chapters five and six. Write and edit the third of the
autoresponder messages.
Basically you are trying to do two things: One, you want it
to “sizzle.” That is, it can’t be boring old copy. For example,
“Get Out of Debt,” is boring. “Never Owe Another Nickel To
Anyone,” has a little sizzle. Even better would be, “When I’m
Done With You, You Won’t Owe the Bank, You’ll OWN the
Bank!” Secondly, you want to sell benefits. What will the
people get from buying the program. There is a difference
between features and benefits. A feature is “This program is
educational.” Who cares? A benefit is “After reading this
ebook, you will know three specific ways to eliminate all of
your debt within 12 months, no matter how much you
have.” Who cares about THAT? Everyone!
Day 9 – Write and edit chapters seven and eight. Write and
edit the fourth autoresponder message. Follow up with joint
venture possibilities. Set advertising schedule for end of
month. Goal of reaching 150,000 people per day for 7 days.
I will either call or email the joint venture people to see if
they are on board.
As far as reaching 150,000 people, this is as simple as
adding up the distribution numbers of the ezines I buy ads
in. I may do five ezines with 50,000, 25,000, 32,000,
17,000 and 26,000 subscribers each. It may take ten ezines
some days.
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