Page 138 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 138
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
goal of 100 packages per day. Average sale is $22. Total
revenue: $2200.
Day 26 – Sixth day of second run of ads through original
Ezines: Goal of reaching 150,000 people. Follow up with
questions people have. Put out fires. Ship product. Sales
goal of 100 packages per day. Average sale is $22. Total
revenue: $2200.
Day 27 – Seventh day of second run of ads through original
Ezines: Goal of reaching 150,000 people. Follow up with
questions people have. Put out fires. Ship product. Sales
goal of 100 packages per day. Average sale is $22. Total
revenue: $2200. Total reached in a 14 day period:
2,100,000. Total 14 day revenue: $30,800. Total costs:
$10,000 for partners. $2000 for advertising. $500 for studio.
$1000 for CD’s etc. $1000 Misc. Total profit before taxes:
Day 28 - Today I would take the day off go to church and
rest, spend time with my family to remind myself that there
is more to life than work.
Day 29 – Continue to sell through current outlets that are
proving fruitful. Look for new outlets to sell through using
the same means I used to find the first ones. Begin
developing spin-off products such as consulting,
teleconferences, coaching, new ebooks, etc. Look for new
partners as I did before. I may also find that one of my
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