Page 143 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 143
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
Monday and Tuesday: Identify your Idea
I bet you already have, at the very least, a vague idea for
the kind of business you want to start. If you have
absolutely no idea, choose something you enjoy, like a
hobby of yours. For example, if you love collecting stamps
you could think of writing an e-book on that topic and/or
create a web resource. Or try to identify a problem that you
have run into several times and said: “If only there was a
better way to do this”. Finding a good and original idea is
not easy, though. To help you find one, you might want to
just get out for a nice quiet walk in the woods, so you won’t
be distracted. Go alone and don’t bring your cellular with
you. Just bring a piece of paper and a pencil to jot down
your ideas.
Wednesday and Thursday: Research your Idea
Once you have found that idea and know the kind of product
you want to create, you can start doing research. Go to
Google, enter the keywords that best describe your idea,
and look at what is already there. Has someone already
thought of your idea? If not, you are probably on the right
track. As you search the web you will probably find sites
related to your idea. Be sure to visit these sites, they will
give you a new perspective on your idea and help you
isolate potential problems it might have.
The information you find will help you refine your idea.
Based on what is already available, you will be able to
narrow down your product to a niche, something that does
not yet exist. Talk to people that would be interested in your
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