Page 145 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 145

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Second Week: Building a Web Presence

Monday: HTML
Today you will learn the basics of HTML. There are
thousands of tutorials covering this topic. One that I like is You don’t need to become an
expert in HTML, but knowing the basics will definitely help
you make quick change to your site on a daily or weekly
basis. You will also want to download Dreamweaver at, a great website publishing
software. I use it all the time. Get this software and start
playing around with it.

Tuesday: Web Host and Domain
Of course to create a website, you will need a web host. You
should also get a domain. A domain name is absolutely
essential if you want to conduct business online. No one will
take you seriously if you run your website on one of those
free hosting accounts. Try to find a nice catchy name that is
easy to remember. Most web hosts will let you choose a
domain as part of the sign-up. To choose a web host, go to

Wednesday: Web Design
While you are waiting for your web hosting account and your
domain to be activated, you can start designing your
website. Did I say website? Actually you don’t want to create
a full fledged website at this point, there is not enough time.
For now all you really need is one web page. This web page


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