Page 209 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 209

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


So I spent $11 and purchased both!

For the Ezine Ads, I know I'm going to be subscribed to all
the ezines, so I don't know how much extra email that's
going to give me. I set up a seperate free email address so I
could assess it.

Anyway, I want to see my ads in print!


Good news ... Thanks to the "Team-Builder" page, I now
have FOUR Kiosk affiliates. That means that my monthly
payment is covered by the commission I get from them....
From now on, it's all profit.

Apart from my daily routine of sending out to the safelists,
and cleaning my Inbox, I spent a long while reading the
ezines that I've been subscribed to.

Sure there's lots of stuff that doesn't interest me, but there
are still plenty of gems if you take the time to read
everything. I've found loads more free safelists that I've
joined, so now I'm spending about 45 minutes each day just
submitting ads. (Yawn!)

When I've got a bit more cash, I'll maybe buy a safelist


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