Page 212 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 212

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


reward. Good old MPAM - it works!

I got a check from Clickbank this morning. It wasn't quite as
much as I'd expected because a few of my sales had
apparently cancelled later. I guess I should have expected
that. Even so, it's a decent sum of money and I can
(cautiously) start paying off some of my more pressing bills.



Somebody purchased The TrafficJam Formula while I was
asleep. Now I've got back the money I paid to register as a
vendor at Clickbank. >From now on it's 100% profit....

Surfed with a vengeance today because I'm on a high.

I even joined some more safelists and hit them hard. I know
it can get pretty boring but desperate times call for
desperate measures so I'll do whatever's necessary for as
long as it takes.



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