Page 214 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 214

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


had my dinner....
Some days are like that ... ☺


My neighbor came by again. Seems he, too, learned his
HTML stuff from "The Complete Idiot's Guide". He let me
borrow his copy until mine arrived. So, after doing my
"chores" (safelists, surfing, clearing out the emails I wasn't
interested in), I starting working through the book.

It's brilliant. I can see that it really isn't so complicated.


I dared to change a few things on my website... and it
worked! Not only did the changes look good, I straightaway
got another sale! (I convinced myself it was die to my

I also got another pleasant surprise. I'd never really thought
about the links inside TheTrafficJam Formula, but now I've
got two people in my MPAM downline (who will be earning
site traffic for me as they earn their own).


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