Page 240 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 240

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


the owner who decides about their advertising and hires
professionals. I pretend to be interested in their services,
want to become a customer and make an appointment.
During the appointment I mention their site and my offer to
optimize it and show them my business proposal, stressing
the savings for the owner and a better marketing plan.

Note: When I actually did this for the first time, I picked up
5 ads (namely balloon flights, house architects, realtors,
language school, a woman's magazine). When I came home,
I checked the sites and first talked to the magazine and
actually they liked my idea so much that they wanted to hire
me as their fulltime editor and webmaster which was
unacceptable for me.

Then, the realtors: the work was huge on their site and they
wanted me to do databases and translations into three
languages on top of the optimization, their photo databases
and virtual tours, which I didn't want to do and what more:
they wanted the original designer to pay for the optimization
work and these didn't want to. So, we didn't find any

But the other three worked perfectly, the amounts of work
were great, I managed all of the three within one week and
the payment was great. All of them paid me 50% upfront


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