Page 236 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 236

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


She is also the Publisher of 'Pathway To Success', a
successful FREE Ezine, published every other Sunday and
helping Subscribers to succeed in their online home
business, providing them with hot marketing tips, top
webmaster resources and business opportunities, articles,
FREE Ads, special FREE services, Web Lions Library,
motivational reading and more.
Subscribe at:

Give YOUR Business a Boost by getting her services at:
Get Publicity. Be Seen using her ePublishing services.

As for hobbies, the biggest is, of course, online business but
mainly during the winter season. During the other three
seasons, her main interest is her garden, a large English
garden-park around her house 'Montrose' that will have its
110 birthday very soon, so as a birthday present it's
currently getting a large reconstruction.

As a Member of The World Wide Web Chamber of
Commerce, Associate of the Certified Internet Business
Consultants, Member of Internet Trade Bureau, Member of
Internet Society, Winner of 2000-2001, 2002-2003 Awards
by International Association of Webmasters and Designers,
Irena Whitfield is dedicated to Responsible, Ethical and
Profesional Internet Business.


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