Page 232 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 232

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                      by Joe Kumar


So I made it with $5 to spare.

What next ?

Now that I'm making money this is how I will improve the
whole operation.

• Replace the free autoresponders with a proper mailing
   list/contact database/follow-up tool. I use Google with a
   search for "autoresponder reviews".

• Use an ad tracker to monitor the success rate of my
   forum postings. I will visit Google once again with a search
   for "ad tracker".

• Purchase an ebook compiler and produce free ebooks
   based on the resources, with viral techniques to enhance
   their distribution. I use Google once again with a search
   for "ebook compiler".

• Remember my reference to the promotion technique
   for affiliate products that surpasses all others ? Well I'm
   going to select the best PDF compiler, purchase it and
   make it my recommended choice. Nothing beats a
   personal recommendation explaining exactly why you
   choose a product, how you use it and why it benefits you.
   Give content as to how the product helped you,
   'recommend' it instead of selling. Be an advisor, not a

• Finally I will upgrade from one-page resources to
   information mini sites.


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