Page 227 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 227

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


      Special Report: Free Guide To PDF Compilers

Looks great - and I will be using it again in my postings as
you will soon see.
To complete the page I'm adding a pop-up on exit if the
visitor does not follow an affiliate link (for the pop-up on exit
script, click here ).
People may frown on pop-ups but if the visitor is going to
leave anyway what is the harm ?
The pop-up will say

      Warning: Don't buy a PDF compiler without reading
      this free report

I'll capture the name and Email address and send the article
via that free autoresponder I acquired earlier. Next, I'll
produce the article.

Step 2: Produce an article
The article will duplicate some of the content at the web
page but my aim is to get the reader to revisit and
purchase. So I'll just leave some tempting statements in the
article, like


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