Page 225 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 225

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I'm going to produce one web page and one article about
PDF compilers.

Step 1: Produce a web page
This web page will contain excellent content about PDF
compilers with affiliate links to actual products.
The goal is to produce valuable information for my visitors,
independent of hype, which will help them confidently click
to an affiliate product on my page.
How much to write ?
Well, most visitors will simply be seeking an overall guide
summarizing the key essentials of the topic - such as which
product features to look out for and which to avoid. So
there's no need to produce thousands of words.
How do I include the affiliate links on my page ?
Forget banners or blatant ads. There are two ways:
a) I make the link fit in naturally with the content. For

      . . not all PDF compilers can support this feature, an
      exception being this product . .


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