Page 222 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 222

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I'll be spending an hour or two learning how to
produce Report Covers.

Step 5: Discover what people want to know
Now, I'm going to find out what it is that people on the Net
want to know.
There are various tools which tell you the most searched
keywords but I have a better method - and it's free.
You've heard of online marketing forums ?
(For a good selection see this list ).
All day long, across countless thousands of these forums,
people are asking questions
* Where can I find ___
* How do I ___
* What do I need to ___
Let's pick a typical question and use this as an example
throughout this article:

      Question: How do I publish an ebook ?

Let's see how I can adapt this and trigger off related ideas
with more focus. I want to come up with a TOPIC which will


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