Page 226 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 226

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


b) The other way is the most powerful way to promote an
affiliate link. But I don't have the money or time to do this
now. I'll mention it in the conclusion section as a future task.

What filename shall I give the page ?

This is very important.

Let's look at the URLs of others who posted that they had
information about PDF Compilers.

For example, here's one

Here's mine

Our perception of the first is that the page is buried away
deep inside the site with lots of others: it's not special - it's
just one of many and maybe out of date. The second truly
looks like a page built exclusively around a topic. And it's
now going to have one extra feature which will make it
stand apart even further from those with long inappropriate
page names.

I'm adding an ecover saying


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