Page 229 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 229

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


However my situation is entirely different: here's a posting
which will be welcomed.


        A Guide To PDF Book Compilers
        I've been searching for some time for an
        inexpensive way to create a PDF book. I've also
        noticed that many members of this forum have
        been asking how to do this.
        So I've put my findings in a guide which is free for
        you to collect at ....

See - no hype, no blatant promotion, no mention of the
compiler that I use or am affiliated with.
And now for adding my response to other postings which
have answered the topic. While they may be biased towards
a particular product with their affiliate link I'm offering
completely neutral information. Plus, if the forum allows it, I
play my trump card - I add my ecover.


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