Page 230 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 230

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Now, there's an art to responding to postings and a way to
optimize every single field in your reply. It's all described in
my free book Forum SuperTips.

Step 3: Ezine publishers

Publishers are continually on the lookout for new content. An
original how-to guide such as the one just written will be
snapped up.

How to approach publishers ?

First, I find them by using Google with a search for "ezine

I could do a mass mailing - and if I get no response that's
what I deserve.

So I need to personalize each Email, particularly with the
first name in the subject, and start with a brief initial
statement showing that I have at least read their ezine or
visited their site.

DAYS: 6-30
I am going to repeat the exercise of the first 5 days for Topic
1 and create new resources for similar common questions,
i.e more topics. As I don't need to repeat some of the
preparation I estimate that it should take about 4 days per
topic, so I should complete another 6 topics.


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