Page 228 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 228

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


      There's one major drawback with this method of
      compiling a PDF book. See
      for the details

DAY 5: Promotion
It's the final day for Topic 1 and I'm spending it on getting
the word out about my new resource, using three promotion

Step 1: PPC (pay per click search engines)

I'm submitting to the PPC first because it can take a few
days before listings are up so I'll just get a head start now.
PPCs require a deposit so I hunt around here and find a
good one for $25 which seems to be the minimum.

Step 2: Forums

I will now make announcement type postings of my resource
and also answer those existing postings which inquire about
PDF book compilers.

Now suppose you wanted to post news of a product of your
own or a product you are affiliated with. Such a post would
be an ad - and unacceptable.


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