Page 361 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 361

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Today, I would go to to sign up for an
autoresponder and upload all the follow-up emails I've
written into my autoresponder. is completely free and it does not place
ads in your emails.

I would also sign up also another account for my email
newsletter. I would run another newsletter which is free. For
people who leave my site without buying my ebook, they'll
be offered a free subscription to my free newsletter. By
doing this, I get to capture their email address and sell them
on my ebook later.

I would go for using other people's articles in my free
newsletter and it will be published once a week.

I would also start writing a few starter issues today and save
them as templates. I would try to restate the benefits of
purchasing my ebook in the newsletter constantly.

Day 8

I would spend the whole day writing my sales letter. For my
ebook, it's quite easy. I just have to put in bullets all the
questions that I have in my ebook and put a teaser for each

Before I begin writing my sales letter I would go to to read-up on how to write a good sales


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