Page 363 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 363

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   • A pop up box for inviting people to subscribe to your
       free newsletter

I would go to this free pop-up code generator to grab the
code I need for creating a pop up. Remember I told you I
would offer subscription to my free newsletter to those who
leave my site without buying? So, obviously, I would be
creating an exit pop up.

Once I've got the pop up code, I would paste it into my
HTML document, add in my sales letter, top banner graphics
and ebook cover. Voila, it's done!

Okay, now I would upload all of my files to my web site. I
just followed the instructions at and all went

Day 11

Today is the deadline for my contributors to send in their
answers. I've got a total of 71 contributors sending in their
answers which is pretty great! Since it hasn't reached my
target number, which is 77, so I would write to a few of the
contributors to remind them about the deadline.

I would gather all the answers and start writing my ebook. I
would arrange the questions and answers in a format which
is easy for reading.

Day 12


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