Page 362 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 362

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


letter. Michael Fortin writes sizzling copy and I would gladly
pick up some tips from this master copywriter!

Once I've got my sales letter done, I would put it aside and
go back to it another day for further editing.

Day 9

Today, I would prepare a cover for your ebook. I would
download a copy of Scott's Box Shot Maker 2.0 This free
software allows me to easily create an ebook cover - I can
even add shading and shadows, which is pretty cool.

After I've created my own ebook cover, I would create a top
banner graphics for my website. It's going to be a matching
graphics of my ebook cover. I would download a trial copy of
RealDrawPro to help me with the creation of top banner
graphics. I would make it as eye-catching as possible so that
it catches the visitor's attention immediately.

Day 10

I've created my top banner graphics and ebook cover, now
it's time to put together my main webpage!

It's going to be a real simple one that consists of

   • my sales letter
   • my top banner graphics,
   • my ebook cover


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