Page 367 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 367

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


them to click to my site for more questions and answers like
those they've read.

I would go to the forums which I've collected questions from
and post my message. I would give it a very good title so
that it gets read.

Day 18

I couldn't finish posting my message yesterday so I would
also continue posting message at more related forums

Day 19

Today I would try a new method. I would pick 10 Q & A from
my ebook, like how I did on Day 17 and put them into an
ebook. I would give away this ebook for free, as a free
excerpt for my full version. I would actively mention the full
version in this free ebook so that I get to convert more
sceptics to paying customers.

Day 20

Today I would submit my free ebook to the 2 top free
downloads sites - which are and

My free ebook will be displayed as new downloads for a
month or so which would provide me with a nice stream of
extra traffic and great exposure. I would write a persuasive
description and give it a good title so that it gets more


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