Page 368 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 368

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


downloads. After all, the more downloads that I get, the
more customers I will get!

Well, there're a few ideas running in my head on how I can
make use of my free ebook but I would leave them for
another day!

Day 21

Today, I would submit my free ebook to other ebook
directories to make sure I get maximum exposure for my
ebook. I would go to and search for 'free ebook
directory' and 'free ebook listing'.

Day 22

I'm beginning to see some good results with my
contributors' solo mailings. They're recommending my ebook
to their list of customers/subscribers and my site is
converting well!

But I'm not satisfied at all. So, I would go to other search
engines to find more potential JV partners. As usual, I would
write to each of them a polite and personalized email and
offer them a free copy of my full ebook for review purposes.
Since I already have my free lite version ready, I would let
them know that they can give it away to their customers or

I would try searching for at least 40 potential JV partners.


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