Page 376 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 376

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 28: Conduct seminar. Use as the conference call service
for the seminar since it will only cost $20 for 100 people and
they include recording capabilities on the line.

30 day goal: Begin putting together ideas for a Web site
and eBook: "How I Saved My House (and My Life) In Under
30 Days!" Subtitle: "The Step-by-Step Guide For Getting
Yourself Out Of Your Financial Rut In 30 Days...From
Someone Who Lived Through It!"

Day 2: eBay Listings

Hmm...what can I sell on eBay that I have a large quantity
of RIGHT NOW, and would make me a decent profit?

Well, I have 5 guitars. Those would probably sell for a few
grand. But I can't sell those...that would probably depress
me to no end.

I could sell a bunch of the knick-knacks around the house.
I'm sure I could make a few hundred dollars, if not at least
$1,000. But no, that would take too long getting together
the descriptions and and having to deal with figuring out
shipping costs for each item.

I've got it!

I can sell off part of my large CD collection.


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