Page 381 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 381
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
shows you who has registered a particular domain name.
For example, if you do a WhoIS on my domain you'll get my name, PO
Box address, and phone number!
Day 7: Contact Potential JV partners
I will use a basic script to contact all my potential JV
partners. The script is so I don't stumble while I'm on the
phone. :)
The script will go something like this:
Hello (first name),
I apologize for calling you. First, I just want you to know
I'm not a telemarketer. hehe I was at your Web site (insert
name here) and I was hoping I could run something by you
for a minute. Is that OK? It'll take under 60 seconds.
(If they say yes, then I continue. If they say no I ask if there
is a better time to call.)
My name is Karol Gajda and I'm an eBay seller who's in a
huge financial bind. I have to raise $2,000 in the next 3
weeks to save my house and I was hoping you could help
I'm putting together an eBay teleseminar called "How To
Start Your eBay Business Today and Start Making Money
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