Page 382 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 382

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Tomorrow!" and since I know you're a well respected eBay
expert I'd like to propose a Joint Venture on the seminar.
We would split the profits and I'll handle all the details.

The price of the seminar will be $39 including resell rights so
that will be almost $2,000 profit for you without really
having to do a whole lot. All I ask is that you send an
endorsement to your mailing list and put a message on your
Web site about it. And you'll also, of course, have resell
rights to the seminar so you'll have a long term income
stream from it if you so choose.

Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?

If they're interested we put together the finer details. If not,
then I thank them for their time and call the next person on
my list.

The reason I call my potential JV partners is for a few

   1. It's more personal than an e-mail.
   2. I'll get a quicker response than an e-mail.
   3. I'll be able to feed off the response I get from the

       phone call and structure my script on the fly to tailor it
       to the person's personality.

If my list of names comes up short on JV partners, I go back
to searching for more until I find one who's interested and


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