Page 423 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 423

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


HINT: I'm not looking for what will make others happy. I'm
looking for what will make you happy. Be honest with
yourself. No one is looking, so don't be afraid to write with
total honesty.

Phase II:

Take a break for at least 30 minutes and then come back to
your sheet of paper.

From that list of 50 things, circle the top 5.

Try to select them in order of what makes you the most

Phase III:

Lay down and close your eyes. Think of those five things
and select which of those 5 excites you the most. Which are
you most passionate about?

Which could you be involved in every day and never grow

Just let your mind wander. Imagine a future where you are
writing about each of those 5 things. Which potential future
looks most appealing to you?

At some point, one of these things will jump out at you as
the obvious choice. As soon as that happens, immediately
open your eyes and write that down.


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