Page 425 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 425

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


c. Bookmarks of websites where you can get ideas and
conduct research on your topic

d. A list of books you plan to read on the topic

Day 4: Write Your First Issue

Today set aside at least 3 hours to write your first issue of
your newsletter.

For the first 30 minutes, open up your word process and
write uninterrupted. Just write. Don't think. Just write.

The idea here is to "turn off the squelcher". That means
that any idea that comes into your head is valid - no matter
how absurd.

When those 30 minutes are up, you should have several
pages of text.

Print it up and take a look. Circle the gem ideas you have
there and polish it up. Your letter should write itself now.

Day 5: Learn the Mechanics of Sending Mass Email

Sending out mass mail is a very tricky business.

A great very low cost resource that teaches you how to do
that is: eZine Adrenaline:


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