Page 427 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 427

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


The definitive resource on the topic is Joel Christopher's
Master List Builder:

It's a low cost resource that teaches you everything you
need to know.

Day 9: Research Ways to Make Money with Your

There are literally hundreds of thousands of ways to turn
your newsletter into money - and three major categories:

a. Create your own product.

b. Sell advertising

c. Promote products for MLM or Affiliate Programs

By far, route C is the easiest and most hassle free. In fact,
having gone through route A for years, I recently decided to
sell of my major commerce initiatives, give away my source
code, and focus entirely on route C. People were pretty
shocked when I decided to leave the whole Internet
Marketing business and become a more casual promoter,
but I'll never regret it. Frankly, there is much more money
in running your own company, but it's also one great big
headache. It's a lifestyle choice ...

Day 10: Do Research On Your Topic


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