Page 43 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 43

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


ethical. Instead I will ask them to 'review' my website. When
they do, they will see that I have a good product for which
they can earn a 50% sales commission.

These type of strategies give me great exposure to several
new clients, which means the chance to generate sales but
more importantly, the opportunity to continue to build my
own opt-in list. Are you wondering how all this will help to
build my list? Okay, this is how.

When a JV Partner or a publisher promotes my ebook in
their newsletter my website will be mentioned. I know that
at least some of the readers will visit my website. When they
do, I will have something free to offer them. For example I
could have a pop up which says "Get FREE 'Positive Team
Course' and a FREE Consultation for YOUR business".
If they are interested they will have to fill out a form with
their name and email address or I can simply make a popup
which when clicked automatically adds them as a subscriber
to my list.

ALSO, as people read my ebook they will find links to my
site. Once again they will see that they can receive valuable,
interesting material if they become subscribers to my

In conclusion:


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